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Company emergency drill – factory accident rescue plan on July 13, 2018
Date:2018-9-25 13:54:53    From:


On July 13, our company held the emergency drill to conduct factory accident rescue plan. The government leaders who attended the event are the vice mayor of Luancheng district, the director of Luancheng district Quality and Technology Supervision Bureau, the vice director of Luancheng district Work Safety Bureau, and the manager of accident rescue department of Luancheng district Work Safety Bureau.
    The drill director is the general manager Mr. Zhang Ning, vice director is the vice general manager Mr. Wang Guang Jun, and the on-site director is factory leader Mr. Zhang Xin Yong.
    The simulate accident is that leak happens at the joint pipeline of liquid chlorine when the chlorine tank truck is unloading to liquid chlorine storage tank. When the leaking continues and increases, the accident becomes larger scale. All emergence rescue teams immediately gather according to the pre-settled duties and procedures, including rescue team, medical treatment team, guard and evacuation team, communication team, transportation team, gas detection team, technical team.    This yearly drill has more contents than the drill of last year, including on-site first aid for bone fracture worker, waste water treatment.
    All the participants, performing according to the accident rescue knowledge and repeatedly trained skills and their duties, fulfilled the drill and successfully demonstrated the correct actions and treatments.After the drill, Mr. Wu the manager of accident rescue department of Luancheng district Work Safety Bureau, made the evaluation for the drill. He praised the good performance of all the teams and pointed what we should continue making efforts to improve in the future. Mr. Nie the director of Luancheng district Quality and Technology Supervision Bureau encouraged our company to keep putting safety above all the works.


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