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Shijiazhuang Donghuajian Holds the 2nd Production Quality Knowledge Competition
Date:2018-11-16 7:49:44    From:

On October 29, 2018, the Quality department and the HR department heads held the second Quality Knowledge Competition with the goal of raising product quality awareness and working enthusiasm. Four teams made up of production workshop employees participated in the competition and were judged by Quality and HR department leaders.

The competition divided up into three rounds. The first being multiple-choice questions with sometimes more than one correct answer. After intense competition, Team Elites led with 120 points. In the second round, teams must find operation errors in four short videos. The judges were impressed as the teams found even more errors than the judges previously did. The judges also made excellent explanations. Team Elites went further ahead and led with 205 points.

The third round challenged the teams in cooperation and knowledge. Each team received a separate case study and must break down the process to the judges. The judges gave points to the teams based on the quality of their statements. Finally, Team Elite topped first place with 224.5 points and Team Eagles claimed second with 210 points.

At last, General Manager Ning Zhang prized the winning team and spoke with approval and support about this competition. To this, the second Quality Knowledge Competition ended in excitement and success.

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